Nov 19, 2008

Resurrected by Lanvin x Acne Jeans collaboration

It seems that I fell off the face of the planet and while doing so, forgot to leave a post reminding the readers. For that, I apologize. But, I managed to find my way back. How? Well a good oldd resurrected french label (Lanvin) helped me out as I was cleaning out "My Documents" I found a few photos of the amazing Lanvin silk-satin high-tops. So, I googled Lanvin to see what was new and exciting. Apparently falling off the face on the planet includes being completely oblivious that Lanvin and cult label Acne Jeans are collaborating for a denim line. Announced earlier this year in April, the line will hopefully (fingers crossed) be launched in 2009. I'm still diggin around to see whether or not the collab. will consist of a men's line; with the presence of the killer sneaks, I'm going to assume yes. How appropriate that they went with the shape of the uber successful Lanvin high-top (check previous posts, or search Lanvin) and the fabric is this blue-grey denim with a white rubber sole. The tills will be going insane for these ones.

--> only @ <--

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